First, let me say HAPPY THANKSGIVING to one and all!
This time of year is probably the one time we all sit down and think about those people and experiences for which we are thankful. As I sat under the dryer at the salon yesterday I prioritized the list for which I am thankful.
My apartment (A roof over the my head). The location is AMAZING (Shirlington)! I am a half a mile from bars, restaurants, a theater and movie theater. There is absolutely no excuse for a DUI or boredom in my location as I am also a $12 cab ride from DC. I lived 31 years with someone - my parents/brother, college roommates and then misc crazy roommates which my landlord encountered on craigslist. When I finally decided to move out on my own I was scared but now I realize it is the best thing I have ever done.
My Kismet. This cat is really a dog only he uses the litterbox so his obese momma doesnt have to brave the seasons and walk him so he can relieve himself. Dog owners are wondering "HOW can this cat be like my dog?" Well he greets me when I walk in by dropping and rolling over, purring because he missed his momma and wants to play. He begs for food. He sits by my side when Im watching TV. He sleeps at the foot of my bed and when my alarm goes off each morning he wanders by my head and licks my cheek until I get up. Kismet is exactly what I was looking for 3 years ago ~ an emotionally needy animal to fit his emotionally needy and lonely owner. "Kismet" is Arabic for "fate" or "destiny". This baby, sickly, one lazy eye havin' kitten was found by my cousins who knew I was in search for the perfect kitty. Pound after pound none of the healthy kittens I "met" were playful. They just looked up at me in their corner of the cage and then went back to their cat nap. My cousins told me about this underweight, sick kitten who jumped around with his one good eye and purred for absolutely no reason and I knew I had to meet him ... after a month in the vet "Blackie" came to live with me. For a day he hid under my bid. At the time I was reading "Twilight" and at the moment he came from under my bed, jumped up on to my bed and licked my forehead for the first time I had just finished reading the moment when Edward and Bella met "It was Kismet" and that is how "Blackie" became "Kismet." Three years later he is still that playful cat I met and I am so thankful for my perfect pet.

My job. I think daily "How did I get here?" From Peace Corps I decided I wanted to be in Education. And after dealing with children I decided "Education of ADULTS Lord" haha But how was I going to get there? I was working in Education while attending graduate school. During a hard time for the company the owner asked me to choose between education and work. I chose education and was let go. God provided though. I applied for a Procurement position where my future manager, Ken Marvin, specified "no experience necessary. Will train anyone with the right attitude." I applied. What did I have to lose -- I had already lost my job and it was 2 weeks before Christmas. I had my interview a week later. Little did I know a future friend, Laura Thomas, would be in the interview. Ken, once he realized I spoke Spanish focused the topic on building his house in Central America. Laura, bless her, kept trying to bring the interview back to my skills. But Ken was enamored and I was hired. I started my career in Procurement after the holidays in January of that year (2006). I was a little bummed because it was not the path to Education I saw. But God knew His plan. Laura left Unisys and things at Unisys became difficult as with her left the professionalism of our team. Then an opening at Crown Agents presented itself. Laura, who had been consoling me, informed me of the position and in June 2007 I was an Agent of the Crown working on the SCMS project. I still was not in education but I enjoyed working in procurement and on the SCMS project. God again was at work and little did I know I was gaining the skills to perform the job I am currently performing.
My adversaries. If you didnt know let me inform you now: God will make your adversaries your allies. They won't even realize they are strengthening you, propelling you forward and blessing you. This is how good God is. My romantic adversaries have prepared me to appreciate William. My platonic adversaries have prepared me to appreciate my best friends who have become my true life long friends. And my professional adversary propelled me into this position. How you ask? In 2009 SCMS started to train our colleagues in our field offices. The first two were brought to DC. My unnamed professional adversary was supposed to train various procurement sections but at the last minute changed his mind. He came to me and said, "I heard you are a trainer. Can you train my sessions?" I said "Sure, when are they?" "In 20 minutes. Here is the trainer manual." Was his reply. WHAT?! I walked to CVS and bought candy, read the materials as I walked, returned with a plan. I introduced myself and for 3 long hours I trained. I loved it. I was well received by the participants (snickers works every time haha). *whew* I thought. At the end I was approached by a Deputy Director who appreciated the training delivered especially with such little preparation. He immediately said he was going to suggest that I be the Facilitator for the next training session which was to happen 3 months later. During that three months I re-read and revised the training curriculum. I was a Buyer. I knew what we did so I revised the curriculum to reflect what we DID and on our SOPs and not the THEORY of how to do it. Three months later, management was again satisfied. A month later I was in South Africa providing training to colleagues from Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Africa and Guyana. I was in Africa. The motherland. I never thought I would get there. Two months after that I was in Vietnam. For real? Vietnam! That was 2009. Since then I have seen Haiti, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Africa (every 6 months training is held there), Cote d'Ivoire, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, London and Amsterdam. My adversary had NO idea when he gave me an assignment with 20 minutes to prepare that I would be this successful paving the way for me to write my job description in November 2010 as Training Specialist. This is my job. This is the job God prepared me for, blessed me with. This is the job that God turned my adversary to an ally. So the next time you have someone on your job making your life extremely difficult. Do not be like me and go home crying. Drop to your knees and ask God for His plan. He is preparing you, molding you, sculpting you to perfection so that the next step, your next position ... you are so perfectly molded for it that NOBODY else would fit.
Grace Family. My church family is so loving and I truly miss them when I am away. Bishop Grier is a true teacher of the word and this is exactly what I was looking for in my search for a home church. In 2009 I was attending another church and while he too taught verse by verse, book by book I didnt feel something. One day as I was getting ready for work a "ministry minute" came up on my television screen. I said "Hm maybe I will go visit this church before making a decision on joining this unnamed church." I thank God I was obedient. Three months after my first visit I joined Grace Church April 2009. Being under the direction of a teacher and his leaders alongside a loving spiritual family is truly a blessing for which I am thankful.
The fact that I was never a slave. Now I know this may have come out of left field but I was just reminded of this fact as I looked at my VA license. Let me tell you right now I would have been a straight floozy tryin' to get in the Main House by any means possible. My goal would have been to be on the level of Sally Hemmings havin' Presidents build a secret passage way from the field to the Main House. The Misses woulda hated this slave cuz I would have been in the fields flirtin' with Masta' and his sons to get up in the house. Cleanin' the kitchen would have been a promotion for pickin' cotton in the fields ... I am just sayin'. And see, God in his infinite wisdom knew "If Phoebe is born before 1865 she is going to be a whore sleepin' with her Master so let's postpone her birth..." Praise Him!
William. This man is a pillar of patience. Every day he teaches me through how he treats me on how to love him better. I know I am a difficult, emotional female so I know that God put this man in my life. He must know this too otherwise he would have gone runnin' LOL I prayed for a man who was consistent, considerate, honest, communicator and with whom I am sexually compatible. Now God sent me all of those things in William ~ a good Christian NON-FORNICATIN' man haha and while I am ridiculously sexually frustrated when he told me he was in love with me I knew it was for ME and not because of sex or lust. He loves me for the crazy emotional woman I am. When we argue we make up through talking and not "make up sex." Again, frustrated as all get out ~ yes I am ~ but I have been blessed again in my life to have a man in my life who is truly in love with me for me. After Adam died I never thought I would meet another man like him who was into me for me. Who was my best friend "just because" and not for what he could get. God reminded me, again, that I was wrong and He sent William in my life in His perfect timing.

My best friends. I was blessed to meet my lifelong friends at the age of 10, in college, work, Peace Corps/El Salvador and in the club (HOLA YESENIA haha) I am continuously blessed that most of them are still here. I lost a few on the way but I left them where I lost them and moved forward with my platonic soul mates. This time of year, March and April are particularly hard because I do miss my original bestie ~ Adam G. Poole. But I maintain contact with his family and look at my tattoo and a smile crosses my face. I know he is here in our hearts ...
My family. We are no where near perfect. We have addicts, adulterers and anger issues. But what we always have is love and respect and loyalty. We are all of these things to each other. We are a strong, successful Black family who know our roots. We have educators, accountants, government workers, stay at home moms, computer genius', bartenders, and more ... we have each other's backs whenever one of us is in need. We may not always get along but we always get together. I love the holiday season with my family because I am sure to receive pure love.
Salvation. Because clearly I need it! Thank God this day for his mercy, wisdom, patience and forgiveness. Without Him I would have nothing for which to be thankful. Every person, every experience and every thing I have was provided by Him. For Him and the gift of salvation I am 100% thankful.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And remember, even if things are not going the way YOU want them, be patient. There may be a bigger and better plan in store for you.