Every year when the clock strikes 12a on New Years Eve every one swears they are going to do better - get healthier. For some that is joining the gym while for others its adding a day each week to their current routine.
For me, this year, health hit too close to home. On December 27 my daddy collapsed and went to the hospital. His blood pressure was through the roof, his sugar levels were almost 10x the normal count. My stubborn father also had not seen a doctor since the early 80s. He is infamous for saying, "Once they diagnose you that is when you start dying." I shake my head. Having my yearly exams are my #1 priority. I do not care how management, my family and / or friends feel about this. My health is my priority! Mom was a constant nag about him going to the doctor and the dentist. Since my dad is a wee bit vain, the dentist was an easy sell since everyone sees your teeth but since nobody can see what is going on inside, he neglected to go. And now he was forced to go. Now he is on blood pressure medication and has a new daily routine as a Type 2 diabetic. We are all just thankful that he simply "collapsed" and not "collapsed into a diabetic coma" or have a stroke, both of which were a reality that we thank God we did not have to face.
I decided this year to not do "resolutions" but to "resolve" issues that plagued my health in 2011. #1 was stress. Not only to eliminate things that caused stress but to release stress through living healthier and doing something that makes me happy every single day. Now, for those who know me, they know I abhor the gym. In my area is its the #1 cheesiest pick up spot and it disgusts me. In the past I maintained my weight and health by dancing (bachata, mergengue, salsa and sometimes zouk) 4 - 5 times a week. Well now that I am "boo-ed up" and boo don't dance I have to find other ways to stay healthy and increase my efforts to avoid the same diseases that have afflicted my maternal grandmother, paternal aunt and daddy.
They say the trick is to not do anything extreme and to make your new routine, just that, a routine, something you can do daily that you enjoy. So I have come up with my personal list of things I have added into my daily routine since January 2. And yes we are only three days in but these things are so easy and I truly enjoy them so I can see them being part of my general lifestyle. If you are like me and love food, hate the gym and looking for things that are convenient then you are going to LOVE this list! Enjoy!

References: http://www.allchocolate.com/health/basics/
References: http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-12-07/diet/30159747_1_dark-chocolate-epicatechin-muscle
#2: Dance! Dance! Dance! I may not be able to continue going out 4 - 5 times a week but I plan to keep a regular dance night during the week. Why? Salsa, ladies, is an aerobic exercise that if done regularly trims downs those hips and pumps up those gluts! Hello Miss New Booty! Not to mention, it is a calorie burner like no other! Again, I hate the gym and most of all the boring, snooze-a-licious treadmill but salsa...oh I can do that ALL NIGHT LONG! And good thing too because here are the numbers put out by fitness experts: (varies by intensity, weight and gender) in one hour of dancing, a 100lb dancer will burn 264 calories, a 150lb dancer will burn 396 calories, a 175lb dancer will burn 462 calories and a 200lb dancer will burn 528 calories. And the good news for me is the same is true for la bachata ... Sweet! My fat ass is burnin' up some calories while burnin' up the dance floor! I am not at the gym AND I do not feel as though I am exercising! I am laughing and having a great time! I definitely burned my share of calories in the wee morning of January 1 dancing it out with the boo and the band for which he plays! Finally, just as in working those weights or eating that chocolate, dancing release endorphins. Happy = healthy! *PSA: to experience full fitness effects avoid drinking copious amounts of beer and mixed drinks while dancing. To burn maximum amount of calories, drink water*
#3: Wine Down! Red wine, sipping it slowly after a long day, relaxes me. A relaxed me is a less stressed me and less stress is healthy. Healthy = happy. But what do scientists say? "A glass of Cabernet Sauvignon a day, keeps the doctor away." The key is the nutrients found in the skin and seeds of the red grapes used to make the wine. These antioxidants work to benefit your body in three key ways: 1) reduces the production of LDL (low density lipoprotein) or the "bad" cholesterol, 2) boots HDL (high density lipoprotein) or the "good cholesterol" and finally 3) reduces blood clotting. The last one is huge for me as flying increases the risk of blood clots. So I make sure to drink a bottle (ok ok or two) of Cabernet Sauvignon on each flight to Africa! And guess what fellow bloggers, red wine is on sale at Giant grocery stores this week. I stocked up on my Cabernet Sauvignon last night! Banrock, Australia is on sale 2/$10 ~ can't beat those prices. It's a great investment price for your priceless health. Raise your glass with me every night! Here's to our health! *PSA: drinking the entire bottle in one night does NOT increase health benefits and makes you an alcoholic LOL*
Reference: http://www.ynhh.org/about-us/red_wine.aspx
#4: Sweat it out 30 minutes a day! I hate the gym, remember? And I love to sleep. But I also love myself and my daddy. So every morning I wake up and work out 30 minutes. Even if it just a 30 minute bike ride, brisk walk around the neighborhood, 30 minutes of Just Dance on your Wii or a 30 minute workout video, studies show that taking 30 minutes out of each 24 hour day can yield HUGE health benefits! The ones that were important to me, of course were 1) lowering blood pressure and 2) lowering blood sugar. Both of these can greatly increase the health of my daddy and in a year studies suggest it is possible he may have both under control and off of a lot of the medication he is currently on. Other benefits include: 1) strengthening the immune system and improve circulation, both of which are important to me as a frequent flier! Sneezing and coughing in small spaces, sitting down for hours at a time as I cross the ocean ~ both of these are my reality. Poor circulation can increase my risk of blood clots and who wants to be sick all the time? and 2) helps reduce stress and boost moods. Hello endorphins! Hello happy Phoebe in the office!
#5: Spa Day! I am a huge supporter of the monthly two hour massage. If I had the money and time I would go twice a month for two hours. Medical experts say that over 90% of illness/diseases are stress related! Massages not only reduce stress but also have other health benefits! To name a few health benefits: enhances immunity system, improves joint flexibility, *fattie alert* promotes tissue regeneration which helps reduce scar tissue and STRETCH MARKS, improves circulation (hello energy, bye bye blood clots), reduces cramping (PMS HUH?) and hello endorphins! You may think you cannot afford a monthly massage, but with the help of Massage Envy (http://www.massageenvy.com/), you can! Every month they take $60 from my account. This $60 pays for my $20 membership fee and $40 towards a one hour massage. To make this a 2 hour massage, when I visit I simply walk in with an extra $49 in my pocket. And let's face it, $89 for a two hour massage ain't bad! Not to mention, it is your health we are talking about and that is priceless!
#6: Laugh more! Turning that frown upside down = a healthier you. We know the basic health benefits of laughter: reduces stress, produces endorphins and antibodies for a healthier, happier person. But did you know that a hearty 10 - 15 minute laugh can burn up to 50 calories! A 2-hour movie that may keep you laughing for half of that is 300 calories outta there (hmm I guess if you skip the concession stand OR it reduces the calorie intake of what you ate so that 1000 calorie popcorn is now only worth 700 calories *sweet!*) It has been also found that 10 minutes of a good gaffaw is worth TWO HOURS of peaceful sleep! And finally, a hearty haha helps reduce blood sugars! My dad is a huge Sherlock Holmes and Perry Mason buff but guess who will be stocking up on comedies this year if I have anything to do with it!
You may find the title of this blog ironic but at 200+lbs I am probably one of the healthiest fatties you know (outside of my damn allergies)! My blood pressure and sugar levels are consistently normal, no issues with the heart and lungs, healthy gums and teeth and I can dance ALL NIGHT LONG. Dance sweat makes me happy! I am by no means using this as crutch and am continuously looking to improve my health to ensure I remain healthier as I creep slowly to my mid 30s. My point is to show you that you may never be "skinny" so focus on being healthy, inside and out. My paternal grandmother, according to her doctor is 50+lbs overweight, considered obese and is a recovered alcoholic who abused alcohol for over half her lifetime. And yet grandma walks around the neighborhood to visit her friends, visits her out of town friends for weekend or week long getaways to just "enjoy life", laughs at old movies and gets 8 hours of sleep. Unlike her son, she is not a diabetic; no cirrhosis of the liver; no kidney failures. It really is the small things that make a big difference. After you have laughed at some of my comments, find out what the small things are for YOU to make you a healthier you in 2012 and for many, many years to come. Each day is a new opportunity for you to simply enjoy your day for a healthier tomorrow: eat chocolate, dance, laugh, get a massage, take a walk and enjoy your environment. They sound fun and relaxing yet these small fun things increase endorphins (word of the day), contain antioxidants, reduce blood sugars and bad cholesterol. Add these into your daily routine, over time increase your activity, improve your diet by adding good things, eat the naughty things in moderation and love your life like a true fattie.
Sex sex and more sex helps too. Add my research please. I don't know how to do it from the kindle.