MEN: as we are in the midst of a bad economy, it is understandable that you want to impress your boo on a budget. This being said, please let it be an appropriate suggestion. When pondering, "Well, what is appropriate?" This varies. But the things you need to keep in mind:
- Age of the woman. A professional woman in her 30s is not going to want to club hop in the 18+ club ...even if drinks are free for the ladies til midnight. She is going to be drunk for free and then annoyed at her surroundings and the music. Perhaps suggest a 21+ lounge or a restaurant with live jazz.
- Length of the relationship. It is your first date, do NOT suggest a strip club (DISCLAIMER: this rule may not apply if you live in Atlanta but please make it a nicer Gentleman's Club and not something reminiscent of 559 *gracias*).
- Where you see the relationship going. If this is a woman you can see as your wife or in the long term, please do not suggest hanging over your boys house to watch the game. #1 you are hatin' on yourself. How you ask? DUH! She's the only female, she is hot, smart and down to watch football in her favorite team's jersey and tight jeans. Every time she gets up to get a beer trust one of your boys is up faster than you are to assist her ... classic clown mistake. Keep your girl to yourself if you like her! On the flip side, if you only see this as a short term "gig" then taking her to the family Thanksgiving dinner .. INAPPROPRIATE.
- Suggestion: "Let's go to Whole Foods for dinner." This was told to me by a friend and I was in shock. WTF did he mean by "...for dinner?" Did this mean he wanted her input on groceries and he was going to cook for her? Hell no it didn't! The clown was suggesting they eat at Whole Foods like a sit down restaurant! In his 30s he suggested this?? Not his fault, when I read the link on their site ( I too was convinced for ten seconds that Whole Foods was a classy place to take someone. While I am a fan of their hot/cold food bar, their delicious desserts and refreshing organic drinks this as a date suggestion is inappropriate. Especially a FIRST DATE suggestion. Better yet, for ANY number of dates its inappropriate. MEN: Just because Whole Foods has someone to greet you at the door, chairs and tables to sit and food for sale does NOT make it a restaurant nor an appropriate date suggestion. And any woman who gladly accepts this is desperate and will stalk you in the near future. Asking her to accompany you as you grocery shop ... and only because you plan to make dinner for her is the only reason you should suggest going to Whole Foods as part of a romantic outing.
- Suggestion: "Let's just stay in and watch a movie at your place." Ah the classic "Im tryna hit tonight" move. #1 this is an inappropriate suggestion to any woman unless you are in a monogamous relationship ... or #2 you have mutually established your relationship is "friends with benefits." For the classy woman this suggestion, men, makes you look cheap (aka broke), like you are trying too hard to get some (aka a whore) and homeless (aka why can't we watch it at YOUR place? Live with mom or the other chic?). MEN: If you are trying to make a good impression please wait for the appropriate timing in the relationship. Another suggestion: there are cheap movie options besides "at home". In some parts of the country the $1 movie theater or $1 movie night still exists. Or take her somewhere free ~ a museum, a walk in the park (go to Whole Foods and grab a snack and some of those organic juices) or maybe a local monument. The point is that the three APPROPRIATE suggestions are cheap or free and do not give the lady a bad impression. You save face and your pennies. Budget and reputation are maintained.

- Suggestion: "Let's go to (insert local gay bar)! They have the best food and drinks!" HUH? Why are you even asking me out?? Why do you know how great their food and drinks are?? You sound like a "regular". Is this place your "Cheers"? Does everyone know your name? MEN: This suggestion "outs" you, #1 and #2 let's me know my "gaydar" needs updating and cleaning. Please move on and find you a good man.
- Suggestion: "Let's go workout together!" Did you really just ask ME this? OK I do not know how to even respond. We did not meet at the gym. I am not built like a "gym rat." So my only conclusion is that you are trying to make sure I work out to become the type of woman you REALLY like physically. MEN: There is no saving you on this suggestion. Unless you meet the woman IN the gym, the gym is a super dooper inappropriate suggestion...especially to the curvy female.
- Suggestion: "I hear there is a Black History/Slave Exhibit at the museum. We should totally go!" Don't you love that suggestion from a potential white beau? They are trying to get to know your history my Black Queen .. Soul Sister .. ugh. PSA to WHITE MEN who date BLACK WOMEN: this suggestion is AWKWARD. Picture it: we go, all is well until you get to that slave exhibit. Then you see your last name on prominent slave owners listing and photos of your great great grandaddy who was loving referred to as "Big Daddy" and you try to cover it up by leaning on it or pushing her to the next area of the museum. But she sees it. Then here come the justifications, such as "I would have never owned a slave!", "I am disgusted at what my family did to your people" or "I would have been right there with the white freedom riders!" NO YOU WOULDN'T HAVE! ROFL. You would owned a slave ~ you would not have rebelled against your family's wealth and power. Now, you might have had a chocolate luva (i.e Jefferson / Sallie Hemmings) but you still would have been a slave owner. So stop telling those lies. Stop living in a "if I was living then" reality and just skip suggesting this outing. MEN: Let her go on this date with her other Black friends. A friendlier historic suggestion: the Holocaust Museum .. unless she is Jewish. Better yet, just suggest the view from the top of the Washington Monument, Statue of Liberty or Eiffel Tower...

YES! I have literally had everything in this post happen to me.
ReplyDeleteIn reference to your Whole Foods friend... I had a guy a few months ago who asked me out to dinner & said he knew a great authentic taco restaurant... It was attached to a MF gas station.
The other thing I hate that men do is ask you to "send them a picture." It's one thing if you are together and dating, but if I just met you... MMM... And we all know what kind of picture they are asking for!
Thanks for posting Phoebe!
Dani ~
ReplyDeleteRIDICULOUS but I did LMAO "attached to a MF gas station"!!!! *smh*