Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spare Change

In my life I have met so many wonderful women!  They are beautiful, smart, funny, educated, fabulous, strong and SINGLE!  As I listen to their stories and remember so many of my experiences it saddens me how men treat such awesome women - as "spare change."  Something they could do without once the "dollar" has been broken. 

I wrote this poem a few years ago in a moment where I was apparently "disposable" - by an idiot who didn't see my worth (and who, of course, made an attempt to come back and re-open his account.  tisk tisk tisk). 

"Spare Change" is not a "happy" or "uplifting" poem.  I have put it in my personal category of a "reminder" poem.  I poem I read to remind me that I deserve better - I am more than "spare change" - I am what a man would "save" and value because he knows in doing so he is sure to be happy, loved and provided for in a way that only a woman can provide.  I hope it does the same for the ladies and for the men ... hopefully, it makes one man re-think how he treats the woman in his life or the next one to enter it.

Spare Change
By Phoebe Kenney

Spare change
Like the pennies used to cover tax
Or the less than ten cent change you don't need back.
Spare change
The change you forget about in your jeans pocket
The two cents needed – you always got it
Spare change
It's happy to be useful I am sure
You store it in your dirty ashtray
Or find it on your car floor.
You forget it's there until you really need it.
Spare change – your comfort change
Your don't have to break a bill change
If Lincoln could speak
I wonder how spare change feels.
Perhaps it would ask to be more
More than company to the lint in your pocket
Or dirt on your floor.
Or maybe it would simply asked to be appreciated
Good thing spare change is different from me –
No feelings, no emotions, not human
Oh God I hate it.
To be spare change or perhaps
I already am.
Good for a moment
Constantly passed to another
Shit, spare change and I –
We could be sister and brother.
So much in common
So much alike
And yet why do I feel like so much less?
Spare change
You have it made.


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