A few weeks ago, during a friendly wine party, I mentioned to a Romney supporter that I not only support Obama but believe his supporters should volunteer for his campaign by, at minimum, going door to door reminding local citizens of the progress we have indeed made in the last four years. His response? "What could you possibly say? [...] He is the most incompetent President our country has ever seen..." Anyone who knows me knows I had to walk away ... wine was involved so emotions were high and besides he was clearly under the influence! While many bipartisan sources have recorded up to FIFTY accomplishments, I am going to name the top 10 as they are important to ME: a 33 year old, single woman, defined by my income as middle class, $23k in student loans for undergrad and graduate education.
And for Romney supporters, this blog is NOT for debate. All statements written here are fact checked and of public record:
He saved the U.S. auto industry. The bailout of GM and Chrysler re-created 160k jobs. This may not directly affect you but I have friends whose family members greatly benefited from this - going from unemployed to employed.
Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act (equal pay
for equal work). Ladies, what does this mean for you? It means that if you discover you are being paid less than men for the same work, you have the right to
sue your employers -- even
if that discrimination happened years ago. Previously, the statue of limitations was 180 days. While this may not affect you, the message is clear: women deserve equal pay!
Passed Student Loan Reform Act
(lowering heavy student debt) also, doubled funding for Pell Grants. Again, as I pay my monthly dues to Sallie Mae I am grateful that the interest was not allowed to increase. Secondly, doubling the funding for pell grants means more youth will have access to a higher education. Education leads to better job opportunities, higher pay, better lifestyle... Is this not what we want for the upcoming generations?
middle class tax cuts (saving an average of more than $3,000 per
family). Does this need more explanation?
Improved America's image/reputation abroad. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a world traveler with my travels taking me to various countries in multiple continents. Since 2009 I have visited Amsterdam, London, Paris, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and Haiti ... and in every single country, I can honestly say I was proud to be an American. People hugged me, spoke highly of America and a people that would not only vote in their first Black President, but a Black President that is strong, smart, well spoken, highly educated and as a White Parisan commented, "the classiest representation of an American Presidential family since the Kennedys..." Not only does he represent our country well, politically, in the eyes of world citizens, but he has also served our country with no personal scandal. No watergates, no sexy blonds singing Happy Birthday, no interns giving him blowjobs ... not even an unloving, scowling look at his wife or children. When he is photographed with his family we get a picture of warm embraces, deep connection, sincerity, sexiness, hand holding, close dancing, tons of laughing, undeniable love for his family. It is clear he is not only America's President, but also a family man. And do not take my word for it, next time you are abroad, bring up the name of our President and see the reaction for yourself.
Passed credit card reform. I am of the ignorant group that opened my first credit card account as a freshman in college. The deal was sweet - $1000 limit and 0% interest! The limit was raised biannually and by 2003 I was looking at over $10k in credit card debit, assisted by every increasing interest, ultimately peaking at 24%. My credit card was paid before 2009 but this reform prohibits credit card companies from raising rates without advance
notification, mandates a grace period on interest rate increases, and
strictly limits overdraft and other fees. Who does this assist? The middle class ...
Expanded health care of children. While I do not have a child as of yet, this is important! Smokers may not be happy as this act, signed in 2009, allows the
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to cover health care for 4
million more children, paid for by a tax increase on tobacco product. It is clear that our President understands that the education and health of our children should be and is a priority!
Expanded Hate Crime Protection. President Obama signed Hate Crimes Prevention Act (2009), which expands existing hate
crime protections to include crimes based on a victim’s sexual
orientation, gender, or disability, in addition to race, color,
religion, or national origin. Every person has the right to live, walk the streets feeling safe, pursue a livelihood and happiness...
Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was passed. Obamacare means no caps on lifetime limits,
no denial for pre-existing conditions for adults and children, savings
on prescription drugs (in many cases, free generics!), children remain on their parents’ insurance
policy until 26 (a reality for young adults who after college still need health insurance), free preventative services (ladies, this means free pap, mammograms ...). And for those who think "I run every day, I eat healthy, I do not think I should have to pay for the unhealthy persons healthcare." Let us look at how insurance companies define "pre-exisiting" - it is not limited to only cancer, diabetes and / or heart disease. At insurance companies discretion, it could and has included hay fever, past several severe sinus infections, anemia, asthma, previous sports injuries ... in essence, a pre-existing condition is simply a condition that existed prior to enrollment in a new policy. Under Obamacare insurance companies are prohibited
from refusing coverage because of someone’s medical history or health
risk. Finally, if you think that your neighbor's health does not affect you - you are wrong! A healthier nation is a working nation, a working nation is a tax paying nation, a tax paying nation is a financially healthier nation. And every economist will tell you that when the gap between the poor and the middle class becomes smaller, the the overall financial health of a nation improves. However, as this gap increases the threat of becoming a 'developing nation' looms...and while you bitch about your taxes increasing to cover Obamacare, keep in mind Canada pays 40%, countries in Europe pay 43-46% ... and let us not forget that five Presidents before Obama attempted to pass a similar bill. This includes Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Clinton (TWO REPUBLICANS?! *gasp* No way!) Yes way! But President Obama is the only one that got it done! #justsayin
Found and killed Osama Bin Laden, ultimately,
ending the Iraq War with the last of US troops leaving on December 18, 2011. Maybe you do not have a family member or friend in the armed services, but I can tell you that ending this war and bringing all of these men and women home PLUS eliminating the original threat equals a 'win / win' for me and those who were able to hug their loved ones upon their return...
There is no need for me to say anything negative about Romney in this
entry. If anyone reading this can seriously close their eyes, think
about things he has said, then open them and still believe his
intentions are truly to move this ENTIRE country forward ... well then
my breath / words would be wasted.
What I am asking everyone reading this blog to do:
- SHARE! Knowledge is power! Do not depend on the media, your family beliefs, drunken political conversations, etc. drive how you think about President Obama. This brings me to #2 ...
- Read the FACTS. No President is perfect - never will be. We are under a President, not a Dictator. Therefore, our President must work with the opposing party to "git'erdone" as they say. So for those saying "Well he said he was going to do this, but he didnt ..." please take the time to remember what was blocked by the opposing party. I definitely give President Obama an A for effort. And take a look at what Republicans have blocked ... does absolutely none of these effect you? #thinkaboutit
- VOTE! Regardless of who you are voting for, get out there and vote! Blacks and Women ~ our ancestors were tortured, killed, brutalized and more for our present right to vote. Do not take this for granted.
On November 6, 2012, President Barak Obama was re-elected as the President of the United States. I am proud to not only be an American but to also be born and bred in the great state of Virginia which for the second time, went "blue" to ensure the victory. Four more years.